About Our Company

Julia Ahmad Jamal
Julia Ahmad Jamal
Brand Strategy and Performance
Tony Kalcina
Tony Kalcina
International Business Development and Advice
Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir
Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir
Financial strategy and performance
Rajendra Navaratnam
Rajendra Navaratnam
Legal and IPR management
Dr. Rodwin Bahadur
Dr. Rodwin Bahadur
Management and Business Strategy
Nataliya Zub
Nataliya Zub
AI and emerging technologies road map

To be a pioneer of social curation services, operating a platform from which B2B, B2C and C2C can enter the Digital Economy.

It is through our people and culture that we shape technology to serve human needs. Our pursuit of performance with integrity and sustainability is key to why our customers and partners choose to work with us. Our five core values are:

    • RESPECT     Acting with uncompromising integrity, we work openly and collaboratively, seeking to earn respect from others.
    • PROFESSIONALISM     Show consideration and respect for others and demonstrate commitment to the job, colleagues and oneself.
    • CHALLENGE     We are never complacent, ask tough chiefessays.net questions, and push for higher performance to deliver the right results.
    • ACHIEVEMENT     We take responsibility, and are accountable for driving quality, setting high standards, and striving for continuous improvement.
    • RENEWAL     We constantly refine our skills, learn and embrace new ways of doing thing, and adapt to the world around us.

Business In Gear is a place where people can do their best. In an organization of such breadth and such diversity – playing such a fundamental role in how society and technology can change the future – there is vast potential to think big and see small ideas make a big impact.

No company can build a coherent culture without people who either share its core values or possess the willingness and ability to embrace those values. Our success is attributed to our philosophy of enriching and valuing our staff and fostering our company culture: to be dedicated and innovative; to be responsible and take ownership; to treat ourselves and others with respect.

We are “fanatical” about recruiting new employees who are not just the most talented but also the best suited to our transparent and inclusive corporate culture, and, as people stick with cultures they like, bringing on the right “culture carriers” reinforces our practices and adds to the strength and diversity of our human assets.

We are at the forefront of technological changes taking place globally, as an international company, we cannot afford to ignore these changes and apply them to keep us competitive and exponentially increase the value we deliver. Our Mantra is;

    • WE ARE GLOBAL     With our market scope our employees can continually learn and expand their perspectives, where multiculturalism is valued.
    • WE ARE HUMAN     Business In Gear is a respectful and human organization. We are less of a technology company and more of a people company with an emphasis on ethics, diversity and a practice of family.
    • WE ARE IMPACTING     With a sense of purpose, the freedom to think big and personal investment in the company, anyone can effect real change.
    • WE ARE EMPOWERING     Our flat organization and empowering culture allows each of us to pursue our ideas with freedom, enabling engagement and ownership.

At Business In Gear we champion social responsibility through the services of our business. As a provider of social applications that connect people, we are able to contribute to a diverse range of citizens in need.

We provide our social services to civic centers so that they may inform and engage their community in initiatives and activities that support a number of socially responsible services best essays such as emergency communication for Victims of Abuse, the elderly and the sick. We provide social commerce facilities for orphans and youths in building entrepreneurial ventures that enable them to develop life opportunities. We provide education and guidance to individuals with the ambition and passion to change their position in life.

An important factor of our success is our employees’ passion for supporting their communities and causes through charitable giving and volunteering. At Business In Gear we are a family, and we see corporate social responsibility as the responsibility of our family.