Your entry to the Digital Economy!

eNgeyj enables B2B, B2C and C2C to offer Community-based experiences that are contextual, multi-channel, seamless and personalized, enhanced with eCommerce!

Our Core Assets

Building blocks of our Business

Market Understanding

We constantly monitor customer behavior to understand trends and what consumers want in the future to meet their demands.


We employ Disruptive Innovation as a strategy to change an industry’s competitive patterns, and create market...


We participate in Global industry standardization, regulatory and strategic Forums and Working...


We have the knowledge, resources and skills to engineer and build convergent IT and telecom solutions in competitive...


We implement emerging technologies, including Artificial Intelligence and Block Chain, to create differentiated competitiveness.

Enablement Engines

Our platforms operate as enablement engines for small and large organizations, Government and other institutions to enter the...

Targeted Content Curation

eNgeyj applies an effective Social Curation system using Communities, Hubs and Dialogs for communication, management and administration of...


Our eCommerce tools and applications construct a simple, fast and social sales relationship between the vendor and...

Services Portfolio

Services for the revolution of how we work and play in today's mobile lifestyle!

eNgeyj, building communities.

A tool for building experiential and immersive social experiences that capture customers!

News & Trends

Technology is moving at a rate faster than we can comprehend, we gather notable developments and trends for you here...

Researchers engineer biofilm capable of producing long-term, continuous electricity from your sweat

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced that they have figured...

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A flexible device that harvests thermal energy to power wearable electronics

Wearable electronics, from health and fitness trackers to virtual reality headsets, are part of...

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Researchers improve cement with shrimp shell nanoparticles

Putting nanoparticles from shrimp shells into cement paste made the material significantly...

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Solar is the cheapest power, and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further

Recent extreme weather events have underscored the need to cut the CO₂ emissions that are...

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New 3D printing process is faster and more precise than conventional methods

Rutgers engineers have created a way to 3D print large and complex parts at a fraction of the...

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New material pushes sodium-ion batteries to phase out costly lithium

With lithium prices over five times higher than they were a year ago, researchers from Skoltech...

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Contact Us

We're always eager to hear your comments, drop us a mail!
Address CBD Perdana 1, Unit 3A-01, Block 4800, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Phone +603 8740 1087
We are open 09.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday.